걱그룹 BVNDIT(밴디트)가 싱글 " 쿨 (Cool) "을 발매하고 뮤직비디오를 공개했다.
Say what, this is not
What we wanted to achieve
You might have been the one
for me for a while
Too soon I realized that
you had another side
At least I got my girls, girls
At least I got my girls, girls
At least I got my girls
He didn’t treat me right
Didn’t come home at night
He was being a fool
So now we’re playing it cool
So now we’re playing it cool, cool, cool
So now I’m playing it
cool with my lady crew
So this is how it’s gonna be
Playing it cool
We are only playing it cool
Cool Cool
I’m hanging with my city crew
We’re playing it cool
Play play playing it cool, cool
Playing it cool
We are only playing it cool
Cool Cool
You wish you had the swag to be
Uh-playing it cool
Uh-playing it cool, cool
You might be crazy,
I’ll be cool, catching
God only knows where
I would be without them
Because you crushed me like
I didn’t mean anything
At least I got my girls, girls
At least I got my girls, girls
At least I got my girls
He didn’t treat me right
Didn’t come home at night
He was being a fool
So now we’re playing it cool
So now we’re playing it cool, cool, cool
So now I’m playing it
cool with my lady crew
So this is how it’s gonna be
Playing it cool
We are only playing it cool
Cool Cool
I’m hanging with my city crew
We’re playing it cool
Play play playing it cool, cool
Playing it cool
We are only playing it cool
Cool Cool
You wish you had the swag to be
Uh-playing it cool
Uh-playing it cool, cool
One, go
You couldn’t make it
Two, go
No need to fake it
Three and four
Your things are on the floor, so
Take them
And leave now
And never to return
So take them leave now
Never to return again
Never to return again
And while you’re picking up your mess
I’ll be playing it cool
He didn’t treat me right
Didn’t come home at night
He was being a fool
So now we’re playing it cool
So now we’re playing it cool, cool, cool
So now I’m playing it
cool with my lady crew
So this is how it’s gonna be
Playing it cool
We are only playing it cool
Cool Cool
I’m hanging with my city crew
We’re playing it cool
Play play playing it cool, cool
Playing it cool
We are only playing it cool
Cool Cool
You wish you had the swag to be
Uh-playing it cool
Uh-playing it cool, cool
접기 BVNDIT on New.wav. New.wav (새로운 물결, 새로운 음악)
새로운 물결을 일으킬 사전적 의미 ‘New Wave’와 확장자명 ‘wav’를 차용한 새로운 음악 ‘New.wav’의 의미를 더해 음악의 새로운 물결을 일으키자는 프로젝트의 목표를 함축적으로 담아냈다.
첫 번째 주자로는 신선한 음악으로 대중에게 얼굴을 알린 ‘BVNDIT(밴디트)’가 출격한다. BVNDIT를 시작으로 진행될 ‘New.wav’ 프로젝트는, 그룹과 솔로뿐만 아니라 새로운 조합으로 다양한 음악을 선보일 예정이다.
01. Cool
푸른 크리스털처럼 빛나는 신디사이저 소리, 음악의 중심을 잡아 주는 리치한 808 베이스와 리듬, 멤버들의 아름답고 풍성한 하모니가 하나 둘 더해진다. 악상이 그라데이션되고 음상이 교차되며 아름답고 정교하게 사운드의 스펙트럼을 넓혀간다. BPM이 고조되는 브릿지 구간에서 느껴지는 밝은 에너지는 치어리딩처럼 모두의 마음에 시원한 파도를 선사한다. ‘New.wav’ 프로젝트를 알리는 첫 번째 곡 ‘Cool’. 앞으로 계속될 새롭고 신선한 음악의 여정을 기대해본다.