kennytheking (케니더킹)-Stuck In Between《가사/듣기》

Posted by 호루개
2021. 2. 9. 12:32 최신음악

kennytheking (케니더킹)-Stuck In Between

kennytheking (케니더킹)-Stuck In Between 바로듣기

kennytheking (케니더킹)-Stuck In Between 가사

Everybody’s sentenced to death

No one lives forever take a note

So what are you gonna do with your life?

I’ll be spending all my time on me

Are you satisfied with what you have?

If not, please look around

Stop chasing for money and fame

And be content you’ve had enough

So sorry, Mama

Another day goes

I’ve done nothing

Please don’t tell me you’re proud of me

kennytheking (케니더킹)-Stuck In Between

반복되는 평범한 일상에서 오는 무료함. 아무것도 해 놓은 것은 없고, 애써 열심히 살고 있다는 거짓말.

현재를 바꾸어 보려는 고찰과 시도에 대한, 본인의 순간을 살아가는 이들을 위한 곡입니다. 일상을 살고 견디는 것은 대단한 일이기에.

Song written by 김태현

Lyrics by 김태현, 김원모

All instruments played and sung by 김태현

Backing Vocals by 세나 (sena)

kennytheking (케니더킹)-Stuck In Between《가사/듣기》
